În siajul artiștilor ceramiști
Ne face plăcere să anunțăm lansarea proiectului cultural „TRADIȚIE ÎN LUT – ÎN SIAJUL ARTIȘTILOR CERAMIȘTI”, cofinanțat de Administrația Fondului Cultural Național, sesiunea de finanțare I/2024, aria Patrimoniu Cultural Material, cu suma de 127.382,80 lei.
Proiectul va fi implementat în perioada februarie – noiembrie 2024, alături de partenerii #MNIR: Muzeul Național al Țăranului Român (MNȚR), Muzeul Judetean Teleorman (MJT), Muzeul Județean Buzău (MJB), Muzeul Municipal „Octavian Moșescu” Râmnicu Sărat (MMRS) și Unity in Values Interconfessional Association (UIV).
Un ev mediu religios.
Teme iconografice creștine regăsite pe obiecte de cult
Muzeul Național de Istorie a României are deosebita plăcere să anunțe demararea proiectului Un ev mediu religios. Teme iconografice creștine regăsite pe obiecte de cult, cofinanțat de către Administrația Fondului Cultural Național.
Ne sunt alături în acest demers cultural partenerii noștri: Muzeul Municipiului București, Mănăstirea Stavropoleos, Biserica Sfântul Vasile-Victoriei, Liceul de Arte ”Ionel Perlea”-Slobozia, Liceul Teoretic ”Nichita Stănescu”-București, Școala Gimnazială nr. 189- București.
Proiectul îşi propune să valorifice patrimoniul religios printr-o serie de acțiuni de esență muzeografică. Sub titlul ”Arta religioasă. Formă. Conținut. Sens.” sunt reunite o serie de activități prin care obiectelor religioase (țesături, argintărie, cărți de cult) vor fi expuse, specificându-se rolul liturgic în legătură directă cu tema iconografică prezentată pe Iconostas. În acest moment a fost stabilită tematica expoziției și lista obiectelor ce vor fi etalate.
Erasmus+ for Adult Education
Implemented by the National History Museum of Romania (MNIR) in the period 1st of September 2021 – 30th of November 2022, financed by the European Union, through the project Erasmus+.
The Florentine Museum and Institute of Prehistory was founded in 1946 by the palethnologist Paolo Graziosi in order to preserve and enhance the prehistoric collections from various sources existing in Florence.
It had, as it has to this day, the purpose of promoting new research in the field of prehistory, of undertaking studies, of the preservation of archaeological materials, and of promoting instructional and educational activities. In addition to being an exhibition facility, the Museum has over time increased its profile as a research institute in the field of prehistory. Today it is included among the Museums of excellence in the Region of Tuscany and boasts collaborations with prestigious museums and academic institutions both national and international.
During the job stadowing program we participated in two work shops organized for a group of about 12 people with Down syndrome and various psychiatric disorders, who came accompanied by specialized staff to the premises of the Museum and the Florentine Institute of Prehistory ”Paolo Graziosi”. Each work shop comprised two stages, a first theoretical component, when the participants were presented with information and objects of historical value, and a period of time during which they carried out manual work activities, using various office materials.
Echoes of the past reflected in the present
An Attempt To Reconstruct The Neolithic Society Through Experimental Archeology
This project represents an original approach, from an interdisciplinary approach, of one of the key eras of Romania’s history – the Neolithic (ca.7000-3700 B.C.). This period represented a turning point in the evolution of mankind, comparable on a historical scale only with the industrial revolution of the late XVIIIth century, which modified the very essence of human society, thus allowing all subsequent progress.
The proposed project presents a high degree of feasability, especially due to the fact that it represents an original scientific approach for Romania, whose results will have an impact both in the national and the international scientific communities.
Heritage and Education Bulletin
Was conceived by the National History Museum of Romania and the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, through the project “Heritage and Adult Education”.
Written and implemented by a team from the
National History Museum of Romania (Muzeul Național de Istorie a
României – MNIR) alltogether with the partners from the Archaeological
Museum in Zagreb (Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu – AMZ).
The idea of this project started from the fact that in Romania and
Croatia there are hundreds of museums and thousands of organizations
actively involved in the cultural sector and carrying out educational
activities, but very few have developed adult education projects financed
by the European Union through the Erasmus Plus and none, until now,
in collaboration with other museums. In fact, in too few museums is
known what is happening in other similar institutions regarding the field
of adult education and on the implementation of European projects in this area.